Sunday, September 29, 2013

Article #2a - Pokémon; Pikachu and Ash's True Age Mystery

One of the reasons Pokémon became so popular is Pikachu. The only reason that everybody loves Pikachu is because Ash chose him for his starter! What franchise is this!? And the other thing is the TV SHOW made the VIDEO GAMES popular!!!!!!!! What the heck!? The video games became popular, because of the cartoon...THAT WAS BASED OFF OF THE VIDEO GAME FRANCHISE!?!?!?!?!?!!?!? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DZ IZ CRZY!!!!! THE SHOW THAT WUZ BAZD OV OHV DA VDYEEO GM MADE THE VIDEO GAMES BECOME POPULAR. Also, Nintendo and Game Freak should have kept Pikachu the fat cute version! He was more cute when he was fat! So adorable! But now he's all like skinny and it's like...what? Alright, peoplez. Now to the Ash part.
Is this true? Or not?

A lot of people have asked this question. Ash has been on the air since 1997, but is still ten. But, in one episode of season one of the Pokémon anime series, Pokémon,  Ash says that it's been "a year" since he's been to Pallet Town. So he's eleven? No. This is no because in the Japanese version of this episode it translates to, "a while". But, in a book of Pokémon adapted by Tracey West, it says "eleven year old Ash Ketchum"! And also, in one of the episode of one of the main-seasons of Group BW(, I'm not sure what episode), the narrator said, "ten year old Ash Ketchum". Now back to the book part. Tracey West may have made an error, but what age is Ash really? Ten or eleven? No one knows. But wait! look at the image below! He looks older in main-season 17, Pokémon: The Series XY! Oh, wait a minute. He just has teeth now. LOL. And I also think since Ash Ketchum is ten or eleven that he would have braces by now. Oh, wait again. He teeth are actually just on big tooth.


Saturday, September 28, 2013

Article #1 - When will Nintendo's Kirby have a new game?

 Kirby, the "Super Tuff Pink Puff" that everybody knows, has not had a new game in two years (not counting Dream Collection)! So it's about time that Kirby would have a new game by now. He usually has a game yearly, with the exemption of a game system's ending. Or sometimes, Kirby comes at the ending of a downgraded system. For example; remember Kirby's Epic Yarn in 2010? Well, in two years the Wii would be downgraded because in 2012, Nintendo released the poorly sales Wii U into the market.These events happen when a new Kirby game will be released.  Every time a coupe years from when the system's downgrading happens, Kirby's part takes place. So I guess Kirby's next game will be about two or three years before the Wii U or Nintendo 3DS will become downgraded systems for the Wii V/W and Nintendo DS Zen. I understand this concept, but I don't understand why Kirby's games have to be so late. I myself, have all downgraded systems, a Wii Model One (in other words, white,) and a Nintendo DSi non XL. I also have emailed Nintendo numerous times and they always have the same reply. "We're sorry. We're stupid and we won't tell you because we want to keep Kirby stuff secret from you and..." WHAT!? WHAT!? NINTENDUMB NEED TO CHANGE THEIR POLICY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DON'TCARE WHAT YOU DO TO THEIR POLICY, JUST KILL IT!!!!! KILL IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KILL IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!